Kyros vans are well insulated and silent vehicles, thanks to the exclusive ExPS Evo technology that ensures insulation and internal protection from both external temperatures and noise.


High-performance insulation materials, quality construction techniques, specialised production departments with one goal: the best customer comfort, everywhere and for a long time.


High performance


Kyros Range

The insulation in the Kyros van is obtained through the polyurethane foam that is sprayed onto the areas of the walls internal sides more subject to thermal bridges.

This material is resistant, functional and multipurpose: it represents the best insulating solution in terms of thickness, cost and performance. The floor consists of a sandwich panel and the roof is insulated with polyester fiber covered with an aluminum film.


Kyros Evo and Kyros Elite Range

Materials with excellent performance, total coverage and absence of thermal bridges: this is the recipe for insulation in the vans of the Evo and Elite ranges.

The covering of the roof, walls, crossbeams and uprights is made entirely of polyester fiber covered with an aluminum film, made in two thicknesses (20 mm and 10 mm) to ensure its insertion anywhere, even in the cavities.

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ExPS: tests in climate chamber

Tests in climate chamber in accordance with the EN 1646-1 standard, according to which a vehicle brought to -15° must reach +20° in 4 hours, have demonstrated that ExPS Evo insulation:

  • reduces the time to reach pleasant temperatures inside the vehicle by 50%, even when starting from extremely cold conditions
  • increases the uniformity of temperature inside the various areas of the campervan by more than 65%
  • maintains temperatures with greater consistency and longer for more comfortable environments.

Noise tests relating to external agents (test carried out with calibrated sound meter and certified by the SIT centre) have also demonstrated that the noise perceived inside the campervan in the event of rain is lower than 37% in the dinette area and -30% in the rear area.