ExPS Evo, the exclusive technology for insulating the interior of the campervan from outside temperatures and noises ensures better heat and acoustic insulation also thanks to the absence of thermal bridges with the outside. Materials with excellent performance and appropriate construction solutions ensure that the Kyros campervan has excellent insulation that makes it appropriate for summer and winter use.

High performance is guaranteed by the use of material with high insulation performance, polyester fibre covered with a film of aluminium, covering the internal walls, ceiling, crossmembers, pillars and rear doors:

  • Total coverage. The flexibility of the material allows it to be inserted in cavities as well.
  • Absence of thermal bridges.
  • Uniform coverage to promote constant internal temperatures

Tests in climate chamber in accordance with the EN 1646-1 standard, according to which a vehicle brought to -15° must reach +20° in 4 hours, have demonstrated that ExPS Evo insulation:

  • Reduces the time to reach pleasant temperatures inside the vehicle by 50%, even when starting from extremely cold conditions.
  • Increases the uniformity of temperature inside the various areas of the campervan by more than 65%.
  • Maintains temperatures with greater consistency and longer for more comfortable environments.

Noise tests relating to external agents (test carried out with calibrated sound meter and certified by the SIT centre) have also demonstrated that the noise perceived inside the campervan in the event of rain is lower than 37% in the dinette area and -30% in the rear area.