CI : produzione e certificazioni

An exclusive production in the European outdoor sector: Lean Production.
Keywords: constant improvement, flexibility, optimization of production, controls in all  production stages.

Uni en iso 9001 for quality and uni en iso 14001 for the environment, a certification that CI has obtained, the only Italian sector company and European leader in the sector.

Integrated quality, environment system Certification

The acquisition of certifications allows a company to objectify the quality level of its products and production processes and therefore achieve the total satisfaction of customers and other stakeholders.

In December 2002 Trigano S.p.A. obtained certification to UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 and 14001 “integrated quality and environment system”, complemented in December 2005 by the OHSAS 18001:2007 certification. Trigano S.p.A. is the only Company in the camper field to have achieved the three certifications which form the so-called “Integrated System” (Quality-Environment-Safety), proving that Trigano is a Company that operates in compliance with a whole series of parameters aimed at warranting the end customer, the community and employees standards of quality, environmental impact and safety in the workplace that are controlled, inspected and always constant.

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